Saturday, August 30, 2008

How Credit Cards Can Lead To Bankruptcy

Category: Finance, Credit.

How credit cards can lead to bankruptcy.

The cause of these bankruptcy cases is predominantly due to credit card debt. It is not a secret that bankruptcy is on the rise in America. Consumers are constantly spending more money than they earn. The convenience of using plastic is evident, but at what cost? It is becoming a Nation- wide epidemic and the only way to get out of it is to get educated about it and make changes in day to day spending habits. Yes, the fact that you can swipe a card and buy fast food and gasoline saves time and is easier than pulling out cash or writing a check. A consumer s financial well- being is at stake.

But what is the true expense of this? How is it at stake? Did you know that if you only pay minimum payments that it will take you 382 MONTHS to pay off and you will have spent$ 14, 6000 in interest alone to these credit card companies? According to bankrate. com, the average American household carries approx. $10K in debt. Not a good way to spend your hard earned money. Bankruptcy is more common with people who use more than 1 credit card.

A few factors contributing to credit card bankruptcy is that, when a purchase is made through a card the individual pays the minimum amount that has to be paid monthly and not the exact amount. People who use more than 1 card often indulge in wild shopping frenzies and overshoot their credit limits on each of the cards within a short time. Paying more than the minimum balance amount to be paid monthly, moving balances from cards with high interest rates to those with low interest rates. People in debt can use the following tips to save themselves some more time. There are several ways by which a person can get out of credit card debt, but it s always advisable to stay safe and not get into such a situation. Do not delay thinking things will change.

If you are already in too deep and need debt counseling, get it now. It will get worse. Debt Management companies can help you get out of debt quicker and can most times save you from bankruptcy and the devastating effects it can have on families and individuals alike.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Getting Help From Any Christian Debt Companies Is Easy

Category: Finance, Credit.

For people, who are struggling to pay off their due debts, it is must to ponder over present problems and their consequences. In fact, tag of a defaulter or bankrupt can affect not only social but also personal life a of a person therefore, if you are one of those people who have piled multiple debts due to their slipshod attitude, then start thinking about clearance of these debts.

Since these problems can lead to bankruptcy, foreclosure on home property or any other legal action, the debtor needs to settle them as soon as possible. Though there are n numbers of financial institutions and banks that claim to provide borrower friendly financial services but for defaulters there is not any chance of getting unbiased financial aid. Christian debt consolidation is an exclusive program that is performed by some non- profit organizations. For people, who are struggling to settle their debts through a reasonable loan, Christian debt consolidation can prove to be a Godsend support. These organizations believe in God and his three rules of spending money. They give guidance, motivation and the support that help defaulters in getting out of every financial trouble. As a result, they guide people for living a prosperous and debt free life without considering any profit.

These organizations help people through their counselors. Along with financial status of the borrower, they also check out their spending habits as it helps them in determining whether that person is able to get the aid or not. These counselors evaluate the financial condition of the defaulter and arrange best help for him or her. Moreover, he or she develops an action plan to help the borrower in attaining desired financial status. With it you will also get monetary help to pay off your due bills and debts. With Christian debt consolidation, you get backing for understanding the ways of finance management so that you may never face any such financial crisis in future.

In fact, these programs are the best way to step into a debt free life. With such programs, you will never have to worry about rejection of loan approval, as these representatives will give personal attention to your loan request. Christian debt consolidation can prove to be your best companion in hard days, as it allow you to repay due debts without putting any extra burden on your pocket. Therefore, if you are worried about dealings with banks and financial institutions with heap of bad debts, then stop worrying as they will negotiate with banks on your behalf. Christian debt consolidation companies are capable of deducting the amount of debt. Representatives of such organizations seek out lending source for you so that you may make your loan deal less burdensome and pleasing. Generally, they get success in every negotiation process and lighten the burden of penalty and interest rate.

Getting help from any Christian debt companies is easy. In some special cases, the borrower obtains 50- 70% declination in debt amount on the basis of a successful debt consolidation. You just need to have a steady source of income and bank details, as feasibility of proposed deduction is determined only after evaluating your current financial position.


As Some Of You Probably Know, Student Loans Can Be A Real Killer - Finance and Credit:

As some of you probably know, student loans can be a real killer. According to the College Board, the average student owes$ 17, 500 after finishing college.

Tired Of Looking At That Overwhelming Credit Card Statement Every Month - Coleen Scriven about Finance and Credit:

Tired of looking at that overwhelming credit card statement every month? Sure, the figure on the bill might be rather daunting, but with some discipline and a winning attitude, it can be eliminated to zeros sooner than you might ever imagine.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Christian Debt Credit Counseling Advice People Keeping Those Rules In Mind

Category: Finance, Credit.

Have you ever thought about clearing out you debts?

Usually people show slipshod attitude towards clearing their debts within time as they are unaware about procedures to clear due debts. If no, then you might be uninformed that ignoring your debts can throw you in the situation of bankruptcy. If you are like most people who remain their debts unpaid just because lack of knowledge then a good counselor is needed to help you out. As a rule, people who suddenly stop making payment or miss installments for couple of months face such critical situation. Facing foreclosure on your home, car or any other legal action can bother you a lot therefore start finding a counselor to avoid these worst situations. As it is always better to take precautions than curing, a wise step of debt- credit counseling can save you from falling in a legal hassle. It offers choice and a wide range of possibility to resolve your debt and credit related problems with the help of most progressive financial solutions.

If you are a Christian and looking for debt credit counseling, then Christian debt credit counseling can prove to a great help for you. According to Christian s mythology god have made three rules regarding borrowing and lending money. You can improve you financial condition by using financial counseling based on bible. Christian debt credit counseling advice people keeping those rules in mind. With it you can plan a budget and can maintain it so that you may never need to borrow money from anyone. Such counseling experts also pave you way to know your lawful rights, actions and claims that you can make to defend yourself. Christian debt credit counseling services help you in identifying your monitory emergencies so that you may be able to resolve them efficiently.

Christian debt credit counseling also explains the exact technique to analyze and assess you credit report. If you have waited enough to consolidate, you bed debts and credits then start searching on internet, as this will provide you multiple options to select. With this, you will be able react in case you get any erroneous, out- of- date and deceptive information. In debt credit, industry things are very complicated and difficult to understand therefore be cautious while making any decision. Internet is the biggest source to get a detailed data about such service providers. As far as the availability of Christian debt credit counseling services is concerned, there are various resources through which you can get information about such service providers.

As there is a great demand of debt consolidation, various websites have come up with best solutions. Being observant for ratio of income and expenditure is must for everyone therefore a Christian debt credit counselor advice to be analytical for financial happenings. Christian debt credit counseling helps you to understand the way of living with available monitory resources. Only a single meeting with counselor can be just what you need to get rid of bad debts and fear of bankruptcy.


With A Mileage Credit Card, You Can Earn Points To Redeem For Such Trips - Finance and Credit Blog:

If you love flying to tropical islands and enjoying the sun and fun or travel to other locations for business and pleasure on your favorite airline then a mileage credit card may be something you would really enjoy. If you choose the right mileage card, you will be able to receive enough points to take a trip to Acapulco for a unique vacation or just jump on a flight to visit your high school friends in Atlanta, or any other, San Diego city in the United States.

There Are Several Factors Why Credit Card Applications Are Rejected - Finance and Credit Articles:

The advent of credit cards has made a huge change in the way business is being conducted.

It Is Not Frequently Easy To Get A Company That Will Assist You Out Of Debt - Finance and Credit Blog:

It is no longer perplexing that many Americans are resorting to debt consolidation in order to get rid of giant debts. According to experts, an average American is holding up to 5 credit cards, a real temptation for them to get deep in debt.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Taking Loans Can Get Addictive

Category: Finance, Credit.

Personal loans are the order of the day. Instead, people are increasingly turning to various kinds of loans to help them see to their sundry expenses.

Loans are no longer frowned upon by the more fortunate. Loan providers are erupting all over the place. This is where the world of personal finance is increasingly turning to. If you thought that we already have enough banks and other financial institutions that are ready to finance your expenses, just do a search on the Internet. Newer and newer online loan providers are being born daily. Due to the innumerable loans that are available, the loan seeker is spoilt for choice. It is no wonder that we are all tempted to make use of the many loans that are available.

It is a temptation to take increasing numbers of loans to pay for not just our needs, but also our luxuries. Today, even an average Joe can go out and buy a car. In the past, cars were the privilege of only the very rich. Previously, most people were content to live in rented apartments. We are living in a confusing loan- funded world where we can invest in several things that we might otherwise have considered unaffordable. Today, everybody is interested in buying some real estate. The way in which most loan providers get others to buy their loans is incredible.

Do not be surprised if, in a few years after the first loan that you take, you find yourself paying off interests on quite a few other loans as well. No wonder we keep getting tempted to take on more and more loans. Taking loans can get addictive. That is the reason why increasing numbers of people are turning to the mode of debt consolidation for help. This has become even more marked in these days, when the whole process of personal financing has become as easy as pie. Debt consolidation has become an exercise in eliminating the confusion that arises as a result of simultaneously paying off several loans. After all, each of these loans is a distinct account each having a separate set of problems.

No matter how small the loan amounts, having multiple loans to take care of is often a problem. Moreover, paying separate rates of interest for separate loans adds to the confusion and is also a burden on your bank balance. It is for these reasons that debt consolidation is becoming so popular. Debt consolidation does much to ease these troubles by merging the many miscellaneous loans to form a single one that charges a single rate of interest.


The Points Can Later Be Traded For Airline Miles - Finance and Credit Blog:

Put simply, miles credit cards allow cardholders to earn points for every dollar charged on the card.

Are You Wondering How These 0% Credit Card Offers Work - Finance and Credit Articles:

After the holidays you may start to receive all of your credit card statements and realize that there is no way that you will be able to pay everything off the way you need to. You can avoid all of this if you start taking advantage of the 0% balance transfer credit cards that are out there and yours for the taking.

Does This Credit Card Go Above And Beyond - Finance and Credit:

Reviewing the major student credit cards, it is easy to see that most are designed to maximize profit from interest and fees charged to the students.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

If You Both Have Good Credit, Than This Isn T Really A Problem

Category: Finance, Credit.

When you get married, one of the things that is probably low on your priority list is understanding how your finances will work as a couple.

However, if one of you has less than perfect credit, it is an important situation to discuss. If you both have good credit, than this isn t really a problem. Protect yourself or your new spouse financially to ensure a happy future for your family. This is most easily done by keeping your finances separate. First and foremost, if you or your new spouse has bad credit, take precautions to make sure that one person s bad credit does not create unnecessary problems for the other. You may also want to look into signing a prenuptial agreement. It acts as security for both parties in the case of divorce.

Although this is probably the last thing you want to think about as you plan your wedding, a prenuptial agreement is the best solution, especially when dealing with high amounts of debt or high incomes. However, even if you deem a prenuptial agreement unnecessary, you should both talk about a personal verbal agreement to prevent arguments in the future. Opening a bank account together can be a great thing or a disaster. Protect your credit or your spouse s credit by knowing where you stand right from the beginning. In the perfect scenario, both you and your spouse will contribute and withdrawal equal amounts. Instead, it is better to keep separate accounts or to contribute in relation to your overall income. (For example, if the wife stays home with the children and works only part- time, she may contribute less to the account than her husband who works full- time. ) If one spouse tends to spend a lot of money and accidentally overdraws on the account, it could financially hurt the other as well. However, rarely is this the case.

The same is true for loans that you take out together- if one forgets to pay the bill, it will negatively affect the other. This way, you can both be sure they are getting paid. Instead of having one person be in charge of the bills every month, it is much better to set time aside to review them together each month. If one spouse has bad credit, he or she can use the other s good credit in the same way a co- signer helps someone gain credit. This could lead to strains in the marriage. However, remember to always be financially responsible so that you do not ruin your spouse s credit or he or she does not ruin yours.

If you are unsure how credit works after marriage or how you can work together to maintain or build good credit as a couple, seek help. Counselors and other professionals can speak with you about credit and the importance of establishing it together to provide a good financial footing for you future and a future family.


First You Can Verify The Customers Billing Address - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card fraud has raised to an alarming rate over the last few years. There is more then one way that a credit card can be used illegally on your internet website.

That S What Your Bankruptcy Service Is For - Finance and Credit:

If you re even considering bankruptcy as a way to free yourself of overburdening debt, then it s probably a good idea to what types of bankruptcy services are available and what they can offer. Most will guide you through your finances and see if it s a t all- possible to pay back your debt to avoid filing for bankruptcy in the first place.

Applying For Credit Cards - Finance and Credit Articles:

Following the changes to the credit and loan industry that went into affect in October 2005, you may be noticing an increase in the number of credit card offers you are receiving in your regular mail and on the Internet.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Having A Good Credit Score Has Never Been More Important

Category: Finance, Credit.

A person s credit score is a numerical value that is assigned to represent his or her level of financial responsibility.

Has she been fulfilling her loan obligations in the right manner? Is she responsible in settling her dues on time? Has she chosen the more appropriate financial decisions on daily concerns? Obtaining unsecured debt consolidation loans requires an acceptable credit score. A high credit rating indicates that the subject is financially diligent, something that many credit, banking and private institutions require from a partner. A low credit rating indicates that the subject is not financially responsible, and transactions with him will pose big risks for the establishments mentioned above.

It stands to reason that it will be very difficult for someone who has a history of failing to pay back loans will find it very difficult to obtain new loans in the future. These institutions will keep away from the individual with a poor credit rating like the plague. Furthermore, having a good credit score will make it easy for you to acquire loans, acquire supplementary accounts, be employed, and the likes. Having a good credit score has never been more important. Having a bad credit score, on the other hand, will put you in a world of trouble, as the establishments that can help you financially will refuse to deal with you. Your credit rating is influenced by the way you manage your monetary responsibilities. This information will be the basis for your credit score.

Various credit bureaus gather information relevant to how you deal with your financial responsibilities. Whenever a financial establishment wants to know more about you, they will request data from these credit bureaus. A system based on a person s credit score is part and parcel of the self- protection that financial establishments are practicing. If you have been managing your monetary responsibilities properly, that can have a positive effect on your credit rating. They need to assess the perils concerning the individual prior to their decision on transacting with him. If he has a good credit score, then he only a little is at stake and he is deemed to be a decent venture for the financial entity.

If he has a bad credit score, he entails a lot of risks that may mean severe losses for the financial outfit. Managing your debt and credit wisely will lead to a lifetime of financial benefits. Sustaining a decent credit rating needs to be your main concern. There is no need for you to go through life with bad credit. Your economical potential relies on it.


Nothing Drives Away The Lenders More Than A Person With No Credit History Or A Bad Credit History - Finance and Credit Articles:

The seeds of a good career are sown in student life but few students really know that the foundations of a good credit history also take shape during this vital period. Here are few things which will bother a student without any credit history or having a bad credit history as he steps out into the real word.

Credit Card Companies And Banks, Through The United States Are Looking To Get Your Business - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card companies and banks, through the United States are looking to get your business.

The Final Reason We Ll Look At For Applying For A New Card Is Rewards - Frieda Klosterman about Finance and Credit:

Most of us these days carry at least one credit card, and unless careless use means we ve built up a problematic level of debt, we often don t give a second thought to the plastic in our wallets.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How Rewards Credit Cards Work

Category: Finance, Credit.

Of all the credit card options available to you today, rewards credit cards are wonderful way to get something back for everything you spend. In order to find the best one for you, you will need to do a bit of research and put some thought into what will pay off the most for you and your family.

A rewards credit card comes in many different forms, from a variety of financial institutions, and with a number of reward offer options. The best rewards credit cards will give you back something you really want without doing anything more than spending as you normally do every day. You will find a wide assortment of rewards credit cards. How Rewards Credit Cards Work. Each one offers a different type of reward, but most of them work in a similar fashion. Most companies offer a basic one point per one dollar system. As you spend money with your credit card, you earn a specific number of points or rewards points per dollar amount.

However, you can also get some bonus points for various transactions. You could get bonus points, such as five points per dollar spent, when you do business with these selected merchants. Perhaps your financial institution is affiliated with some large chain stores. For another rewards credit card, you might earn mileage toward a vacation. When you accumulate a specific number of miles, you can apply them toward the purchase of a ticket with that airline. Some airline affiliated cards offer you a certain number of miles per dollar spent.

Types of Rewards Cards. If you travel a lot, then an airline rewards credit card would be great for you. Again, the best rewards credit cards are those that suit your lifestyle. You can charge all of your regular purchases and get the airline miles you need to travel any time of year. Some credit cards give you reward miles that are only good during a certain period of time or to specific destinations. But be careful that you read the fine print well.

There are other travel cards that take advantage of Disney packages. Of course, the most common type of rewards credit cards is the one that allows you to use your rewards points in any number of ways. You charge your purchases to one of these credit cards and you can earn reward points toward a Disney vacation of your dreams. The company that issues your card makes a deal with other merchants, and you can use your points as you would use cash at these merchants. For example, if you have four hundred reward points, you might be able to get a ten dollar gift certificate at your favorite restaurant, or department store, electronics store. Most of these rewards categories are gift certificates or other set amount items.

Still other cards allow you to earn points that transfer into money donated to a charitable cause of your choice. Overall, the best rewards credit cards are those that have a low interest rate and give you back something you can really use. This is a great way to give back to your community or to the world without missing anything in your pocket.


No Credit Reports Were Reviewed - Finance and Credit:

My lease is up soon and I want to be sure I get what I want. which usually means ordering the vehicle four months ahead of time.

Liberty Union Debit Card Is For You - Finance and Credit Articles:

Ever wanted a prepaid debit card which has the convenience of credit card and comes with simply excellent features?

So Go In For A Low APR Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

All credit cards are not created equal. In today s world, credit cards are used for not just shopping but also for online trading, easy airline and movie ticket bookings.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cash Back Credit Cards Are One Of The Latest Crazes To Sweep The Personal Finance Industry

Category: Finance, Credit.

Cash back credit cards are one of the latest crazes to sweep the personal finance industry.

Banks are increasingly locked in competition to provide the best cash back deal on the market- but what exactly is this feature, and why would you want it? Where once balance transfer offers held sway, with card issuers falling over each other to offer the longest 0% deal in history, it now seems that cash back is king. The basic premise behind cash back cards, as the name suggests, is that you are credited back with a small percentage of everything you spend using the card. The actual concept of these cards is by no means new, but what s different nowadays is the size of the cash back percentage on offer. This money will accrue on your account, and usually be paid yearly either by personal cheque or by direct refund to your account. In previous offers, a cash back rate of 25% was considered generous- after all, it was seen as money for nothing( however misguided that view) . It s far from uncommon to see cards offering a standard rate of 1% cash back, which for heavy card users can easily add up to a tidy sum over the course of a full year.

Today, that figure looks decidedly miserly. There is however a new and welcome trend towards offering higher introductory rates which in some cases have hit 5% for the first few months. Could you take advantage of this? Think about how great this offer really is- effectively a 5% discount across the board on everything you spend at any store or on any web site, lasting for a period of three months or more. What s more, you can really boost your cash back earnings potential if you shift your regular spending such as groceries, and energy costs, fuel onto your card, although you should check if your particular card has any restrictions on what kind of spending qualifies for cash back. So far so good, but surely there s a catch?

In particular, some cards specifically exclude payment of utility bills from their cash back calculations. Of course, as the card issuers aren t going to simply give their money away, are they? With interest charged in double figures in most cases, it s easy to see that any cash back earnings will be more than canceled out if you rack up a balance. They re banking on the fact that most customers will go on a spending spree when they first get their card, racking up a debt which won t be cleared in full and so will begin to attract interest. The ideal way to take advantage of cash back offers is to use the card only for spending which you can clear in full on your statement date so as to avoid interest being imposed. Used sensibly but frequently, cash back cards really can transfer money directly from the banks accounts to your own, so shouldn t you be grabbing a slice of the action? Ultimately, you should be using your card purely as a payment option rather than as a means of borrowing, and not spending anything you can t afford to repay.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Everyone Has A Credit Report

Category: Finance, Credit.

We hear so much about improving and repairing your credit score, but why?

How do they affect our financial decisions and lives? Why are credit scores such a big deal? These are questions that everyone should know the answer to. Everyone has a credit report. It is important to understand how credit scores work to understand how you can qualify for your next loan. This report is put together with information regarding your finances. It also shows the bills you pay, and how you pay them.

It shows all of the accounts you use and how well you manage your money. This means that your credit report will show every late payment you have ever made. Your credit record isn t the only thing that comes from your credit history. It entails all of your credit history, from your first savings account to the most recent car payment you made. Your credit score, or that three digit number, is derived from your credit history as well. Most people realize that buying things now and paying for them later is a privilege.

This number, ranging from 350 to 800, also shows how well you manage loaned money. Even the smallest credit card charge is considered a loan. Your small repayment plans will show bigger lenders how well you can handle borrowed money. Your credit card company is loaning you money now, and expects to be paid at a later date. Let s say you are applying for a mortgage loan. This does not register well with lenders. You already have a car loan and you are pretty good about making your payments, just sometimes they are late and once you totally forgot until they sent you a notice.

If they are going to loan you money for your future home they want to be sure that you are going to make the payments every month and pay them on time as well. Be aware that your credit score not only affects you borrowing power, but your interest rate as well. Your credit score or rating is one of the most important factors to qualifying for a loan, along with your income and your debt to income ratio. You see all of those low interest rate credit cards and mortgage loan rates, but you have to remember that those are reserved for those with the best credit rating. Though your rate could only be a few points above the best rate, you could pay a lot more in interest over the next 15 or 30 years of you mortgage loan. In most situations, the better your credit, the better your interest rate.

If you are looking to increase your credit score to help you qualify for that upcoming loan, here are a few tips to help you along your way. The second tip is, if you can afford to, pay more than just the minimum payment on credit cards, and personal loans, car loans. The first is to always make your payments and pay your bills on time.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

This Is Where The Idea For Reward Credit Cards Was Conceived

Category: Finance, Credit.

In a world where there are so many options for consumers when it comes to the choice of credit cards out there, many companies are now using different tactics in order to attract consumers that may go elsewhere if their cards are not bough to their attention. What about the consumer that wants a credit card to use week in week out every month before paying off their balance in full, or those consumers that would rather spend on credit cards and leave their money in their accounts until the credit card bill comes through to earn interest? 0% offers do not appeal to them because they do not need the 0% offer to avoid earning interest.

Many offer 0% interest offers on purchases or balance transfers but those card offers only apply to certain individuals who are looking for that sort of thing. This is where the idea for reward credit cards was conceived. If you get rewarded for using the card then people will spend on them every month in order to earn the rewards at the end of the given period of time or when they have enough points. Some bright spark came up with the idea of reward cards because they actively encourage people to spend on them. However, not all of them actually provide people with good value for money and even more have reward schemes that are extremely hard to get anything out of at all. These incentives are usually amongst the poorest because the percentage of cashback is usually really low at around 5% . However, to understand a little more about them, we first have to understand what form they come in: Cashback- Some cards offer cashback as a percentage of the total amount spent on the card.

Loyalty points- Loyalty points are credited to an account that is related to the card, usually for every pound spent on the card, although they may only be awarded when you spend in certain stores. Airmiles- This is one of the most popular schemes out there and has been for some time. They can often be converted to rewards in terms of goods or an amount to spend in a certain store. Spending on the card converts into airmiles, which can then be redeemed with certain airlines at a later date. Some of the reasons why they do not provide value for money are as follows: It takes a lot of spending to earn even the slightest reward. After looking at the types of card available, it is up to you to look into the reward schemes to see what advantages and disadvantages they have in terms of whether or not they are value for money.

This may be because the cashback percentage is low or you have to fulfil certain criteria to earn anything back at all. The schemes offer incentives that you will never need or use and thus are completely redundant. The schemes are limiting because you can only earn points in the one store or have to be earned in certain places or for certain goods. As you can see, a reward scheme on its own is not enough. Be sure to look at it in depth before applying to make sure that it is good value for you! You need to be able to compare the entire scheme in terms of the terms and conditions and structure of the reward scheme itself to your wants and needs.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Credit Card Debt Is Something That Is Sometimes Necessary

Category: Finance, Credit.

During a devastating time like this, the last thing you want to think about is money.

All they have to worry about is whether or not your spouse's credit card debt will continue to be paid, even after their death. Your spouse just died, but credit card companies do not necessarily consider how you feel at the time. So are you the one responsible for his debt, even at a difficult time like this? We need it to buy some of the necessities in life. Credit card debt is something that is sometimes necessary. But what happens when you buy things on credit that you are paying for not only for years, but for a lifetime? Who ends up paying the bills?

What if yours or your spouse's life does not last long enough for you to pay off the debt that extends beyond it? It depends on who you are, what kind of debt you have, and whose names were joined on the credit card account of the diseased. That is why it is important to consider all the factors when you go to cosign on someone's credit card agreement. If yours or someone else's name is on the contract along with the original card holder, you or that person are responsible for the debt they leave behind. When you agree to have a joint credit card account, you are agreeing to pay the debt that the card holder cannot pay, and the same goes for them. The credit card company is required to just eat the debt that is owed, whether or not there is existing family to pay the debt or not. If the credit card debt was in the in the name of the deceased alone, with no one else that agreed to take on the debt that was incurred by that specific card, then no one pays for it.

Sometimes credit card companies will try to get you to pay the credit card debt off with your assets. In several instances, the credit card, though companies will resort to forgiving the debt, if it is not too much. In some cases, using your assets to pay for your credit card debt is required. The time you had with your loved one was a time in which you could create memories, and moments that, influences would last for an eternity long after their death. That is what having memories is all about. Things like their credit card debt should not be one of the burdens that are left behind to be borne by their loved ones. You should also be able to leave your own loved one with something worth remembering, not something that will be a weight on their backs for years to come after your death.

You want to leave this world with peace of mind, and this will help you to do that.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Credit Card Spending Limit

Almost, every credit card advisor worth his salt will tell you to read fine prints carefully before deciding on the credit card. How fine prints can affect the ownership of credit card?

Despite all the explaining this fact is often overlooked. This article takes a look at the murky credit card world. We take a look at how fine prints can change the three most important benefits viz. 0% intro APR, the annual fees and credit card spending limits. 0% Intro APR. You will be astonished how, these large sentences in small fonts, asterisks and special symbols can change the way credit card benefits you. Ok, the credit card states that it has a 0% intro APR. Check it out.

But what does it relate to, balance transfers, purchases, cash advance what exactly? And about the length of 0% Intro APR period- - one fine print states that- - The length of your introductory period will be either 6 months for purchases and balance transfers or 3 months for balance transfers, depending on our review of your application and credit history. Next thing to bother about 0% intro APR is what defaults will terminate the benefit, for example: If a person makes a late payment the introductory or special rates terminate instantly and standard purchase rate apply. This adds a lot of ambiguous element to the APR. If you default twice the APR rate increases to 15% and if you default thrice, the APR will jump to 299% and so will be the interest on cash advances. So read the fine print always and get the facts clear about credit card straight from the issuing company.

Now do you see the 0% Intro APR hitting below the belt! Annual Fees. Some people straightaway make the conclusion that the credit card won' t cause them a penny for ownership- - and that too for life. You must' ve seen various credit card offers stating- - No, annual Fees* . Are the credit card companies that naive? Didn' t you see the after No, annual Fees.

Will they let you go so easily? Yes, that asterisk( *) could spoil the honeymoon of No annual fee for you. Thereafter, the annual fee will be$ 45 for the Basic Card. It could lead to a page where written in very small fonts are lines that could mean- - The annual fees for the credit card will be waived for the first year. And If you default on repayments for a certain period the Annual fees will apply instantly. So, take extra care of those asterisks. Any waivers, or benefits will cease instantly!

Credit card spending limit. But, buried somewhere in fine prints he will find the statement- - The credit card has no preset spending limit which gives you purchasing power that adjusts with your use of the Card. A credit card with no preset spending limit can excite a consumer so much that he runs straight to the credit card company to get the card. No preset spending limit does not mean unlimited spending. So, things change suddenly. Your purchases are approved based on a variety of factors, including current spending patterns, credit history, your payment history, and financial resources known to us. Credit card companies will allow you to overspend even beyond the credit limits and happily slap you with a over- the limit credit fees.

Strange but true, borrowing 1 dollar will cost you$ 30 extra. So, even if you spend 1 dollar above your spending limit you could be slapped as much as$ 30 for crossing your credit limits. Many things can be said about fine prints, every fine prints tries to apply certain restrictions, or explain a controversial point which credit card companies shy away from writing in bold. These fine prints weigh heavily towards the credit card company, and if a consumer doesn' t read it carefully he falls into the trap.